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  • 作家相片Yun-Chien

drawing map


Before making a new pattern, I have been trying to re-combine the finished product of the second unit with my map. Among them, I tried the coherent line, which reminds me that I can use the same way to transfer the places I have visited and chained together. The transfer of unit 2 is also round, which makes me more sure that I want to use this method to draw.

Here I tried a method of arrangement, which includes random and regular placement of pictures. These abstract patterns are all because I like the abstract bars of the baseball I took before because it is not like a traditional grid arrangement. , But use staggered lines to give out a dynamic appearance.

And I like the vertical and horizontal placement most because I want to continue the original construction mode of window grilles. The reason for giving up random placement is because the picture looks too messy to find the focus.

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Symposium 2

1. Through your work, what identity do you want to express? So as I said, I am doing something about Taiwanese culture piece, window grille, and the reason to do this is that I find that contemporary

Professional Practice

Slide 1 The factory I went to is still working with iron but they are not producing window grille anymore, because this skill takes time to learn, and the material and making price is much higher than

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